About Me


I am such a blessed woman to have my wonderful husband and my sweet little girl in my life. I often wonder what I ever did before having them both!  As a little girl I always prayed that the Lord would sent me a christian man who wanted to have a family and would allow me to be a stay-at-home-mom. Yes, as a 5 year old I began saying that prayer. I knew what I wanted in life! But the Lord did bless me with a yes to that prayer that I said every night.

My sweet hubby never asked me to work, even though we ended up beginning a family a lot sooner than we thought we would have and we could have used the extra money. He told me the best thing for our child was to stay at home with our baby and give her the support she needed. So that is what I do. I am a very blessed stay-at-home-mom, and I can’t say every minute is bliss, but I would never trade a moment of it.

My hubby is an IT consultant, and pretty much loves everything on the business side of IT. I love that he comes home and wants to share with me everything that happened in his day.

We are a christian family, but that doesn’t mean everything goes our way. More often than not, something pops up that likes to test our faith and a lot of times our marriage. I will say, Andrew and I entered our marriage knowing that we would never divorce each other, and with us both knowing that, every time we have a rough patch, we pray and get through it. That actually makes our bond stronger.

My hubby came up with the title of this blog: Mind, Body, Soul, Wallet. The best way to become all that you can be is from the inside out. If your mind is in the right place, you can endure the hardship it takes to get your body in shape, which loops back and makes your outlook on life brighter and you can more happily seek out the Lord, stick by him, and read his word, which in turn makes it easier to budget and focus on not spending willy-nillly.




With this blog, I will not promise to update it everyday or even every week, life doesn’t work like that, at least in my house. I will post things that interest me and my family as in recipes, crafts, how we live on a budget, or things that have occurred in our life. I will say, that I bet the majority of my posts will be food related. Food is a big passion in my life. I love being in the kitchen and creating yummy dishes or snacks.

I hope you enjoy this blog. Feel free to leave a comment on anything or a question and I will do my best to reply!


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